“Foreign Investment of the Year”

Samana Group Awarded as “Foreign Investment of the Year”

On December 12th, the UP!Awards were presented to the leaders of the construction, real estate and interior design industry. We were the laureate in the category “Foreign Investment of the Year”. We would like to thank and congratulate all the other winners!

UP!Awards is a new initiative of Poland’s leading opinion-forming website wprost.pl, which in 2022 launched an incredibly popular section dedicated to home-related topics. This week marked the first edition of the awards, with the jury consisting of editors and experts from the website focusing on construction, real estate and interior design.

“It’s hard to find an industry that has such a huge impact on our daily lives. They build the places where we live, work and relax. You are the pillar of the Polish economy,” said jury president Marzena Zielińska at the opening of the gala.

Prizes were awarded in categories such as Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Green Investments, Ecology, Digitalization, Innovation, Development, Best Legal Service for the Real Estate Market, Marketing Communication, and also… Foreign Investment of the Year, where we were recognized as the best real estate project developed outside Poland’s borders! The statuette was accepted on behalf of the entire Samana Group team by our Communication Specialist, Zofia Ossowska.

Once again, we would like to express our gratitude to the experts of Wprost, and we will do our best to continue proving that we deserve your recognition!

