
Agri-Cultural Oasis

Sustainable Living and Dominican Traditions

Located in Loma Atravesada, Las Galeras, Samaná, our project blends off-grid farming, tropical leisure, and cultural exploration. Inspired by the Dominican spirit of joyous dance and community cohesion, we propose a welcoming center that integrates agricultural production with local culture, traditional music, and unique vacation experiences. The farm dedicates 20% of its land to photovoltaic panels, providing sustainable energy to power the entire farming estate while also cultivating a variety of crops. By harnessing renewable energy and efficient water management, our off-grid farm offers a sustainable living blueprint and fosters community resilience in this remote paradise. Utilizing the site’s natural slope, our design channels rainfall through newly created streams into catchment ponds at the forest and farm boundaries. This water is filtered and used for agricultural irrigation and daily operations, ensuring a sustainable water supply. This project enhances the visitor experience while promoting and preserving the Dominican Republic's rich cultural and agricultural heritage. The main house features a universal circular design centered around a green courtyard, maximizing exposure to the surrounding landscape. The roof slopes inward towards the courtyard, enabling efficient rainwater capture for filtration and use within the house. Both the guest house and staff accommodation are equipped with water purification systems built beneath the structures, ensuring self-sufficiency and sustainable living.