The Valley
Life on an off-grid farm is a complete immersion in the rhythms of nature, sourcing food, energy, and pleasure from the natural world. The Valley is made to help those yearning for this romantic life seamlessly harmonize with nature while alleviating solitude.
The buildings continue from the surrounding mountains, blending effortlessly into the environment. The house is situated at the highest point of the site, overlooking the sea. Its tall, elongated gable roof is designed to withstand heavy rains and promote airflow within. Elevated above the scorching Dominican ground, the floor keeps the living spaces cool, and the space beneath serves as a storage area directly connected to the farm.
Originating from the house and following the path of the rainwater, a stream becomes the lifeblood of the farm. The daily deluge of midday downpours constantly replenishes this stream. As the rainwater descends the steep incline, it generates electricity necessary for illuminating and sustaining the farm. The sluice gate before the generator regulates the water flow, ensuring it does not exit the stream too rapidly. Some of the rainwater is collected and purified through an underground filter for domestic use and the swimming pool. Fertilizers and a small amount of gas necessary for farming are derived from waste.
Accessibility to the expansive farm is essential, thus walkways are constructed along the stream. These walkways wind around the stream, allowing people to access the water at various points. Besides facilitating movement, the walkways offer various recreational activities such as camping, table tennis, and trampolining, enriching the off-grid living experience. Where the stream widens to accommodate the generator, the walkways and associated recreational activities expand. Both the stream and the walkways are fundamentally crafted by bending the regional resilient bamboo.
Five essential crops are chosen for the farm: bananas, sweet potatoes, malanga, yams, and ginger. The placement of each crop is determined by their individual and geographical requirements. Crops thriving in sunny, dry conditions with short harvesting cycles are positioned in the highlands near the main house, while those requiring cool, humid conditions and longer harvest periods are situated in the lower northern areas. Taller crops are placed on the outer perimeters of the farm, and shorter crops are located inward, maintaining the continuity of the valley landscape.
The Valley offers the epitome of off-grid living by adeptly integrating hydroelectric solutions with diverse activities into the natural landscape. Residents can consume crops grown from the land, harness energy from the rainfall, and find pleasure in nature, living truly in harmony with their environment.